

Minggu, 09 April 2023

PTESOL Test at Nurul Fikri Boarding School Bogor

Balai Bahasa UPI held the PTESOL test again for boarding school students. This time, Balai Bahasa UPI cooperates with SMAIT Nurul Fikri Boarding School Bogor. Nurul Fikri Boarding School Bogor is a prominent boarding school in Bogor that is accredited "A".

The test, which was held on Wednesday 4 April 2023, was attended by the 12th-grade students and was held from 08.30 to 10.30. The main objective of the English language test in high school is to assess student's ability in the three main aspects of English, namely listening, structure, and reading. The results of this test are used as a reference in determining the level of student's English proficiency and as evaluation material to develop a better English curriculum. In addition, this testing activity also helps students to prepare themselves for international exams such as TOEFL or IELTS. The results of those exams can be used as an additional application document for continuing studies at universities, or getting a scholarship.

Minggu, 26 Maret 2023

Balai Bahasa UPI’s Testing Activities at Darul Arqam Islamic Boarding School

In this digital era, English has become an inseparable part of everyday life. This issue has become a major concern among schools, one of which is Darul Arqam Islamic boarding school Garut. As a real step in responding to the urge to master English, Darul Arqam Islamic boarding school held a test to measure the level of ability of its students in the field of English.

Darul Arqam Islamic boarding school collaborated with Balai Bahasa UPI to conduct CBT-PTESOL (Proficiency Test of English to Speakers of Other Languages). The test was held on Saturday, 25 March 2023 with the 12th-grade students as the test takers. The test, conducted in three sessions, began at 7:30 a.m. and was conducted using computer. This activity is expected to benefit the school and students. By acknowledging the students' skills, the school can make a more accurate and efficient plan to improve their English skills. In addition to measuring the ability of students, the certificate of the test results can also be used as an additional requirement for university application.

Rabu, 04 Februari 2015

Teka-Teki Saku

Suka banget mengasah otak dengan Teka Teki Silang (TTS). Sekarang, games trivia ini bisa dinikmati langsung di layar ponsel. Mudah dibawa dan tentunya berhadiah, lho. Coba aplikasi permainan TekaTekiSaku.

Selasa, 03 Februari 2015

Resensi Buku Pengetahuan "Hidup Cuma Sekali"


Identitas Buku
Judul              : Hidup Cuma Sekali
Ukuran           : 15cm x 21cm
Tebal Buku     : 150 Halaman
Pengarang      : Tim Redaksi Ditjen Informasi dan Komunikasi  Publik
Penerbit          : Kementrian Komunikasi dan Informatika
Tahun Terbit   : 2013
Tempat Terbit : Bandung

Kamis, 29 Januari 2015

GO-JEK Indonesia

Pusing! Setiap datang ke sekolah selalu terlambat gara-gara macet. Enaknya, naik ojek biar cepat. Tapi, susah banget mendapatkannya. Tenang, hal itu sudah ada solusinya. Lewat aplikasi GO-JEK, kita bisa menemukan ojek hanya dalam 40 detik. Seperti apa sih, cara menggunakannya?